Blog Archive

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Single Isn't So Bad

Despite my single life coming to a slow end...I made a list of reasons why being single is great. I actually wrote this list a couple years ago, but whenever I need a pick me-up I look back on it.

So here's my list of the best things about being single. 
Keep in mind there are also plenty of reasons being single sucks and I'm a total floppy fish when it comes to whether I like it more or completely hate it. But I think it's more about the moments. Some moments it really is great and then you see a really happy couple and you kinda want to vomit, but secretly wish you had what they have. Anyways let's get to it. 

1. You don't have to answer to anyone. You can literally pack a bag and leave to go anywhere you want, and tell no one. You can go see whoever you want and literally nothing matters.
2. You can decorate the house/living space however you choose. You don't have to worry about what they like/don't like. You don't have to incorporate their style. Their style sucks anyways.
3. You don't have to clean up after them! The mess is all your own. 
4. If you choose to come home after a long day and eat a tub of ice cream and watch 18 hours of Netflix, no one is there to judge you. No one has to know. If someone asks what you're doing, call it "relaxing" and send them a selfie from a few days ago. 
5. Share nothing. My money is mine. My bed is mine. My pillows are mine. My food is mine. None of that what's his is hers and what's hers is his bullshit. What's mine is mine! 
6. Decide for a straight week you aren't cooking dinner. No one complains except your stomach. 
7. Fighting. None. Literally not one fight while being single. No one to fight with, that makes things real simple. 
8. Spend mindless hours on your phone or on a hobby. Don't worry about neglecting anyone. Maybe your friends, if you have any.
9. Literally every choice you make is your own. You don't have to compromise with anyone, or ask for permission. You don't have to see if they want Chinese for dinner too. Watch all the shit movies you want. Sleep with the light on. No one can tell you no, except yourself and maybe your parents if they still boss you around.
10. Presents. No. None. Buy yourself something instead. No having to think about what they want. No having to spend your money on anyone else. Treat yourself! Yes I like those shoes. Early birthday present to me from me. Doesn't matter how early, or how often.
11. And lastly, you discover yourself. That's deep. but, really you learn to love yourself. It's a time of self-discovery. And that's so important in life. I doubt I'll ever say I wasted so much time on myself.

-Embrace Freedom

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